President Trump has said that he would consider not signing an upcoming coronavirus relief package if a payroll tax cut is not included. In his Sunday interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News, the president said, “I’ll have to see, but yeah, I would consider not signing it if we don’t have a payroll tax cut.” Trump contends that “a lot of Republicans” are in favour of a payroll tax holiday.
However, some Republicans have reportedly been cool towards the proposal since it was mooted by the president himself earlier in the year. Democrats have expressed their opposition to the idea of a payroll tax cut. The Hill has further details of President Trump’s position, from a White House spokesperson, and considers what is likely to happen as lawmakers return to Washington this week and formal negotiations begin.
President Trump has said that he would consider not signing an upcoming coronavirus relief package if a payroll tax cut is not included. In his Sunday interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News, the president said, “I’ll have to see, but yeah, I would consider not signing it if we don’t have a payroll tax cut.” Trump contends that “a lot of Republicans” are in favour of a payroll tax holiday.
However, some Republicans have reportedly been cool towards the proposal since it was mooted by the president himself earlier in the year. Democrats have expressed their opposition to the idea of a payroll tax cut. The Hill has further details of President Trump’s position, from a White House spokesperson, and considers what is likely to happen as lawmakers return to Washington this week and formal negotiations begin.