Paybix Paybix


Contact Details

Bosstraat 132, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Antwerp, Belgium

Tel: +32478494230
Contact: Benjamin De Keukelaere

 Paybix is the ambitious newcomer in the Payroll Aggregator market.

The 3 co-founders of Paybix are veterans of the payroll industry, with together 80 years of HR & payroll experience: general management, technology, global HR & Payroll sourcing advisory, and payroll management and services.

Paybix commercializes a next-generation Core HR and Payroll multi-tenant SaaS called EPIX.

In combination with the locally managed payroll services by hand-picked in-country payroll providers, Paybix offers an end-to-end international payroll solution to SMEs (up to 250 employees per legal entity), a still underserved buyer group.

EPIX allows for global employee data administration, payroll I/O, and workforce & labour cost analytics of the entire workforce, permanent and contingent workers.

It is fully integrated with the local payroll systems of our partner ICP's for 30 European countries, thus even allowing end-to-end payroll provisioning in these 30 countries from 1 single platform and with expert, local payroll support in your payroll administrators' local languages as well as in English.

EPIX consists of 4 modules:

a) PIPE: Payroll Input, Proofing & Exchange.

PIPE is the main module for person, contract, pay components and time data collection.

Data can be provided through either HRIS and T&A systems, directly inputted in EPIX or even a combination of both.

All data is instantly validated for compliance and consistency before it is transferred to the in-country payroll providers, thus preventing back-and-forth communication and insecured exchange of sensitive data through flexforms, Excel sheets, e-mail or other non-GDPR compliant routes.

b) ORCA: Orchestration, Review & Control Application. ORCA is the main module that manages the end-to-end payroll process.

Through ORCA it will be possible to indicate the critical payroll events on an annual payroll calendar and to convert payroll information submitted in accordance with the client’s code structure and values to the code structure and values used by ICPs. Thereafter, ORCA will automatically perform cross-field validations (this goes even beyond the capabilities of PIPE) and shows notifications to clients before payroll errors can occur or critical payroll steps are missed.

c) TIME: Time Integration, Management & Exchange. TIME will be the main module to manage more advanced time information related to absences, holidays, time sheets, etc. The combination of TIME and the local payroll systems of the ICP's automates the interpretation of time and attendance values to flawlessly feed correct payroll processing.

d) DART: Data Analytics & Reporting Tool. DART provides cross-country, aggregated reporting, analytics, and dashboarding capabilities.

It allows to extract EPIX data for further processing in e.g., Excel or for integration into the client’s tools.