United Kingdom Statutory Leave and Pay 2018/19
United Kingdom
Material Year
2018 Material
It is aimed at those who are looking to start running a payroll in the UK for their organisation, or those who are utilising the services of a service provider who want a better understanding of the setup requirements so they are better able to support their business and ensure compliance in their organisation.
This is a high level pre-recorded webcast, aimed at giving candidates an overview of what is required to set up a company and payroll responsibilities in the UK.
Like many countries the UK has a range of different types of statutory
leave and payments that employees are entitled to receive and cover
annual leave, time off and pay for parents, sickness and flexible working.
The entitlement, calculating the payments and the treatment of the
payments is complex and requires HR and Payroll to work closely
Some of the legislation is UK based, others are from the EU but have
been gold plated in the UK. In addition this case law whether in the UK
courts or the European Courts of Justice have also had an impact for
very specific circumstances.
All of which means that payroll teams have a lot of legislation to consider
when processing these statutory payments and leave; and what’s more
some payroll systems can manage all the appropriate record keeping
and calculations whilst others only support part of the requirements and
manual calculations and record keeping is required.
This course will give you all the information you need to ensure you
understand how to process payments, the interaction between the
different types of leave and payments, the records that must be kept,
employment rights and the information you must provide to your
Course content:
Annual leave
• Public holidays
• Payment and entitlement to leave including part time and term time
only employees
• Calculating average earnings
• Accrual of annual leave
• Holiday and sickness
Sick pay and leave
• Statutory sick pay (SSP) including notification to the employer,
entitlement, qualifying earnings, payment and treatment of tax and
National Insurance (NICs)
• Occupational sick pay
• Reporting and reclaiming SSP
• Other benefits
Maternity pay and leave
• Employment rights
• Statutory maternity leave and pay (SMP) including the notification to
the employer, entitlement, qualifying earnings, calculating average pay,
payment and treatment of tax and NICs
• Occupational maternity leave
• Reporting and reclaiming SMP
• The Alabaster Rule
Paternity leave and pay
• Employment rights
• Statutory paternity leave and pay (SPP) including notification to the
employer, entitlement, qualifying earnings, payment and treatment of tax
and NICs
• Occupational paternity leave
• Reporting and reclaiming SPP
• Adopting a child
Adoption leave and pay
• Employment rights
• Statutory adoption leave and pay (SAP) including notification to the
employer, entitlement, qualifying earnings, payment and treatment of tax
and NICs
• Overseas adoptions
• Reporting and reclaiming
• Occupational adoption leave
Shared parental leave and pay
• Employment rights
• Shared parental leave (SPL) and Shared Parental Pay (ShPP)
including notification to the employer, entitlement, qualifying earnings,
payment and treatment of tax and NICs
• Reporting and reclaiming
Pensions and statutory payments
• Detailed examples that show how pension and other non cash benefits
are treated during periods of statutory leave
Time off for family and dependants
• Reasons for leave
• Is payment due?
• Definitions of leave
Parental leave
• Time off
• Qualifying for parental leave
Flexible working
• Ways of working flexibly
• Requesting flexible working
• Refusing requests
• Employment rights