Mindfulness for Wellbeing with Orla O'Sullivan, PhD
During global payroll week we want to give back to the global payroll community.
During global payroll week we want to give back to the global payroll community. We know business resilience and payroll resilience have been top of people’s minds since the onset of COVID-19 but we wanted to look after the people resilience behind those areas with this practical session that introduces the fundamentals of mindfulness, which research shows affects many aspects of our life, from our cardiovascular profile to our overall sense of happiness.
What we repeatedly do becomes our habit and eventually a trait. With mindfulness, we can train ourselves not only to focus our attention, but to experience wholesome states like ease, gratitude, kindness and peace.

Meet the presenters
Orla O'Sullivan, PhD
Orla O’Sullivan is internationally recognized for her teachings on living mindfully and cultivating happiness. She has been practicing mindfulness for over 20 years in the tradition of Plum Village / Thich Nhat Hanh and is a leader in Mindfulness and Character Strengths. Her work supports people to create happier communities - whether as part of a business, family, or school.
Orla is International Co-ordinator for Wake Up Schools, an international grass-roots movement to support teachers and create mindful educational communities. A founding member of the Community for Contemplative Education (an initiative of Mind & Life Europe), Orla also serves on the Steering Group on Mindfulness in Education for the Mindfulness Initiative UK.
She is an advisor to the World Happiness Festival and speaks regularly at conferences, including the Mindful Kids Peace Summit, Mindfulness in Education Summit, and various wellbeing and mindfulness events. She is an award-winning author and holds a PhD in English literature.