Allyship: Diversity and Inclusion

Allyship: Diversity and Inclusion
In this GPA Masterclass, Hira Ali walks us through the process of Allyship; what it is (and is not), its benefits and how to be an ally. She shares the Four-Step Allyship Model plus essential tips and resources, including invaluable advice about apologising and the role every individual can play in challenging organisational culture.
Meet the presenter

Hira Ali
Hira is also a successful entrepreneur who has launched several businesses to support her mission, including Advancing Your Potential, Career Excel, International Women Empowerment Events and most recently, The Grey Area, which focuses on decoding inclusion.
Her work has been featured in Forbes, Huff Post, Telegraph, Independent and Entrepreneur, among hundreds of other print, radio and television outlets, and has earned Hira several prestigious honours including the Top 100 Women-Lift Effects award, the Women in Media award, and recognition as a top-three finalist for The Baton Awards Entrepreneur of the Year. She was recently appointed as The Senior Advisory Team member at The Benedictine University Illinois L.E.A.D.S leadership program for undergraduate women.
Hira was also included in a list by DiverseIn of global D&I voices to follow on LinkedIn. In addition, she has been featured as a role model in the book ‘Girls Who Do You Want To Be’ alongside phenomenal world changers. Hira is passionate about empowering women and ethnic minorities, closing the gender gap and advocating diversity, inclusion and allyship in the workplace. Her wealth of positive client testimonials from a plethora of local and international organisations underscores her commitment to helping others realise their goals and achieve their potential.