An employee who lives in Spain and commutes to the UK to work - specifically what are the tax implications? In response to your question, it is first necessary to define the individual's residency status in relation to UK Tax and National Insurance Contributions. There are three tax residency statuses in the UK: • Resident, Ordinary Resident – Taxable on worldwide income; • Resident, Not Ordinarily Resident – Taxable on worldwide income on a remittance basis (must be non-UK domiciled); • Not Resident – Taxable on UK-earned income; Residency is not dependent upon: • Domicile; • Citizenship & nationality; • Immigration...
Q. I am completing year-end in the UK for the first time and don’t really know where to start. What’s involved and what can I do to help ensure I don’t miss anything out?Tax year end is quite different since the introduction of RTI but there are still processes that have to be completed by 19 April for HMRC as well as getting your payroll system ready for the next year.The best advice is to prepare a checklist that includes deadlines and details who is responsible for each action. This will help you to manage internal and external resources, to...
We have an employee who has been a consistently high performer and, who has developed a mental health issue in the last year. We’d like to help this person remain at work – how can we help?Mental health conditions can affect how people think, feel and behave. The important thing to note is that this condition may, or may not be long term. Plans you make and support you give should be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The most useful considerations are:• Flexible work patterns – such as changing start and finish times, reducing working hours and having flexible break...
Contributed by Felicia Cheek, GT2P advisory programme director at The Hackett Group About the metric This metric is important because it shows the top three areas of concern most companies have regarding payroll vendors in the European market. Why it is important As companies continue to analyse vendor capabilities in order to find the best vendor for their specific payroll needs, our data shows most vendors do a good job of ensuring the payroll is compliant. However, there is concern when it comes to the stability of the vendor, cost to process the payroll and the quality of the payroll....